static char WORDSIZE = 4; Ptypedef Psbh_uint64(:WORDSIZE:) NativeInt_t; Ptypedef Psbh_uint32(:4:) Version_t; Ptypedef Psbh_uint32(:4:) CompilerPhase_t; Ptypedef Psbh_uint32(:4:) FastString_t; Pstruct Pblob_t(:Puint32 length:){ Pcompute Puint32 size = length; Pomit Pb_uint8[size] bytes; }; Pstruct LongInt_t{ NativeInt_t size; Psbh_uint32(:WORDSIZE:) byteArraySize; Pb_uint8[byteArraySize] bytes; } Punion IntegerBranches_t(:Puint8 tag:){ Pswitch(tag){ Pcase 0x00: NativeInt_t nativeInt; Pcase 0x01: LongInt_t longInt; } }; Pstruct Integer_t{ Pb_uint8 tag; IntegerBranches_t(:tag:) branches; }; /* I couldn't find where these types were printed in GHC */ Ptypedef Psbh_uint32(:4:) Float_t; /* Prob not right encoding */ Ptypedef Psbh_uint64(:8:) Double_t; /* Prob not right encoding */ Ptypedef NativeInt_t Label_t; /* Prob not right encoding */ Pstruct RawString_t{ Pb_uint32 len; Pstring_FW(:len:) name; }; /* I couldn't find where these types were printed in GHC */ Ptypedef RawString_t HString_t; Pstruct Dictionary_t{ Pb_uint32 numStrings; RawString_t[numStrings] strings; }; Pstruct SDict_t(:Puint32 offset:){ Pblob_t(:offset:) skip; Dictionary_t dict; }; Ptry ForwardDict_t(:Puint32 offset:) SDict_t(:offset:); Pstruct IRawString_t{ Pb_uint32 index; RawString_t rs; }; /* The functions uint32_IRstring and IRstring_uint32 are used in the definition * of the Ptrans String_t, which converts between the integer index of a string * in the dictionary to the actual string */ void uint32_IRstring(P_t *p, Dictionary_t *dict, Puint32 *src, Pbase_pd *src_pd, IRawString_t *dst, IRawString_t_pd *dst_pd){ dst->index = *src; if (*src < dict->numStrings){ Pstring_share(p, &dst->, &(dict->strings.elts[*src].name)); dst->rs.len = dict->strings.elts[*src].len; IRawString_t_genPD(p, dst, dst_pd); } else { // Error: bad index dst->rs.len = 0; dst-> = 0; IRawString_t_genPD(p, dst, dst_pd); dst_pd->nerr++; dst_pd->errCode = P_TRANSFORM_FAILED; }; }; void IRstring_uint32(IRawString_t *src, IRawString_t_pd *src_pd,Puint32 *dst, Pbase_pd *dst_pd ){ *dst = src->index; *dst_pd = src_pd->index; }; void cnvIRStringMask(Pbase_m *phy, IRawString_t_m *log){ *phy = log->compoundLevel; }; Ptrans String_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ uint32_IRstring(:pads,dict:) : Psbh_uint32(:4:) <=> IRawString_t : IRstring_uint32; Pmaskmap cnvIRStringMask; }; Pstruct Module_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ String_t(:dict:) packageID; String_t(:dict:) moduleName; }; Penum Bool_t Pfrom (Pb_uint8) { False, True }; Pstruct lazyBlock_t{ Pb_uint32 addressOfEnd; Pcompute size_t offset = position.offset; Pb_uint8[addressOfEnd - offset] body; }; void Psbh32_char(Puint32 *src, Pbase_pd *src_pd, Pchar *dest, Pbase_pd *dest_pd){ *dest_pd = *src_pd; *dest = *src; }; void Pchar_sbh32(Pchar *src, Pbase_pd *src_pd, Puint32 *dest, Pbase_pd *dest_pd){ *dest_pd = *src_pd; *dest = *src; }; Ptrans Psbh_char{ Psbh32_char : Psbh_uint32(:4:) <=> Pchar : Pchar_sbh32; }; Ptypedef Psbh_char Char_t; Pstruct GHCversion_t { Psbl_uint8(:1:) length; Psbh_char[length] nums; }; Punion LenRest_t(:Puint8 init:){ Pswitch(init){ Pcase 0xff : Psbl_uint32(:4:) longRep; Pdefault : Pcompute Puint32 shortRep = init; } }; Pstruct HiLenRaw_t{ Pb_uint8 initial; LenRest_t(:initial:) rest; }; /* The functions HiLenRaw_uint32 and uint32_HiLenRaw are used in the Ptrans HiLen_t to * convert the two different on-disk encodings of a lenght into a single representation * in-memory. */ void HiLenRaw_uint32(HiLenRaw_t *src, HiLenRaw_t_pd *src_pd, Puint32 *dest, Pbase_pd *dest_pd){ *dest_pd = src_pd->initial; *dest = src->rest.val.shortRep; /* short and long are the same */ }; void uint32_HiLenRaw(P_t *pads, Puint32 *src, Pbase_pd *src_pd, HiLenRaw_t *dest, HiLenRaw_t_pd *dest_pd){ if (*src < 0xff) { dest->initial = *src; dest->rest.tag = shortRep; dest->rest.val.shortRep = *src; } else { dest->initial = 0xff; dest->rest.tag = longRep; dest->rest.val.longRep = *src; }; HiLenRaw_t_genPD(pads, dest, dest_pd); }; void cnvHiLenMask(P_t *pads, HiLenRaw_t_m *phy, Pbase_m *log){ HiLenRaw_t_m_init(pads, phy, *log); }; Ptrans HiLen_t{ HiLenRaw_uint32 : HiLenRaw_t <=> Puint32 : uint32_HiLenRaw(:pads:); Pmaskmap cnvHiLenMask(:pads:); }; Penum NameSpace_t Pfrom(Pb_uint8){ VarName, DataName, TvName, TcClasName }; Pstruct OccName_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ NameSpace_t namespace; String_t(:dict:) occNameFS; }; Punion OccNameBranches_t(:Puint8 tag, Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pswitch(tag){ Pcase 0x00: Pvoid noOccName; Pcase 0x01: OccName_t(:dict:) someOccName; } }; Pstruct OccNameOpt_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint8 tag; OccNameBranches_t(:tag, dict:) branches; }; Pstruct TypeName_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ OccName_t(:dict:) tyName; HiLen_t numPieces; OccName_t(:dict:)[numPieces] pieces; }; Punion AvailInfoBranches_t(:Puint8 tag, Dictionary_t *dict:) { Pswitch (tag){ Pcase 0 : OccName_t (:dict:) avail; Pcase 1 : TypeName_t(:dict:) availTC; } }; Pstruct GenAvailInfo_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint8 tag; AvailInfoBranches_t(:tag,dict:) branches; }; Pstruct Export_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Module_t(:dict:) module; HiLen_t numExports; GenAvailInfo_t(:dict:)[numExports] genAvail; }; Pstruct Exports_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:) { HiLen_t length; Export_t(:dict:)[length] exps; }; Pstruct Dep_mods_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ String_t(:dict:) moduleName; Bool_t isBootInterface; }; Pstruct DepBody_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:) { HiLen_t dep_mods_len; Dep_mods_t(:dict:)[dep_mods_len] dep_mods; HiLen_t dep_pkgs_len; String_t(:dict:) [dep_pkgs_len] dep_pkgs; HiLen_t dep_orphs_len; Module_t(:dict:) [dep_orphs_len] dep_orphs; }; Pstruct Dep_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint32 addressOfEnd; /- Address of end of dependency block DepBody_t(:dict:) body; }; Pstruct Entity_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ OccName_t(:dict:) name; Version_t version; }; Punion VerOptBranches_t(:Puint8 tag:){ Pswitch (tag) { Pcase 0 : Pvoid none; Pcase 1 : Version_t version; } }; Pstruct VerOpt_t{ Pb_uint8 tag; VerOptBranches_t(:tag:) branches; }; Pstruct Usage_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ String_t(:dict:) modName; Version_t modVersion; VerOpt_t exports; HiLen_t numEntities; Entity_t(:dict:)[numEntities] entities; Version_t ruleVersion; }; Pstruct UsagesBody_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ HiLen_t length; Usage_t(:dict:)[length] uses; }; Pstruct Usages_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint32 addressOfEnd; UsagesBody_t(:dict:) body; }; Penum FixityDirection_t Pfrom(Pb_uint8) { InfixL, InfixR, InfixN }; Pstruct FixityInfo_t { Psbl_uint32(:4:) precedence; FixityDirection_t direction; }; Pstruct Fixity_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ OccName_t(:dict:) name; FixityInfo_t fixityInfo; }; Pstruct Fixities_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ HiLen_t len; Fixity_t(:dict:)[len] fixities; }; Pstruct DeprecSomeEntry_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ OccName_t(:dict:) name; String_t(:dict:) reason; }; Pstruct DeprecSome_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ HiLen_t len; DeprecSomeEntry_t(:dict:)[len] deprec; }; Punion DeprecsBranches_t(:Puint8 tag, Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pswitch(tag){ Pcase 0x00: Pvoid noDeprecs; Pcase 0x01: String_t(:dict:) deprecAll; Pcase 0x02: DeprecSome_t(:dict:) deprecSome; } }; Pstruct DeprecsBody_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint8 tag; DeprecsBranches_t(:tag, dict:) branches; }; Pstruct Deprecs_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint32 addressOfEnd; DeprecsBody_t(:dict:) body; }; Penum KindEnum_t Pfrom(Pb_uint8){ LiftedTypeKind, UnliftedTypeKind, UnboxedTypeKind, OpenTypeKind, ArgTypeKind, UbxTupleKind, FunKind, KindVar }; Precur Kind_t; Pstruct FunKindBody_t{ Kind_t arg; Kind_t result; }; Punion KindBranches_t(:KindEnum_t tag:){ Pswitch (tag){ Pcase FunKind: FunKindBody_t funKindBody; Pdefault : Pvoid other; } }; Precur Pstruct Kind_t{ KindEnum_t tag; KindBranches_t(:tag:) branches; }; Precur IfaceType_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:); Pstruct IfaceIdBndr_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ String_t (:dict:) name; IfaceType_t(:dict:) type; }; Pstruct IfaceTvBndr_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ String_t(:dict:) name; Kind_t kind; }; Pstruct ForAllTy_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ IfaceTvBndr_t(:dict:) iFaceTvBndr; IfaceType_t(:dict:) iFaceType; }; Pstruct AppTy_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ IfaceType_t(:dict:) fn; IfaceType_t(:dict:) arg; }; Pstruct IfaceExtPkg_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Module_t(:dict:) mod; OccName_t(:dict:) occ; }; Pstruct IfaceHomePkg_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ String_t(:dict:) modName; OccName_t(:dict:) occ; Version_t version; }; Punion IfaceExtNameBranches_t(:Puint8 tag, Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pswitch(tag){ Pcase 0x00: IfaceExtPkg_t (:dict:) extPkg; Pcase 0x01: IfaceHomePkg_t(:dict:) homePkg; Pcase 0x02: OccName_t (:dict:) localTop; } }; Pstruct IfaceExtName_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint8 tag; IfaceExtNameBranches_t(:tag, dict:) branches; }; Pstruct ClassP_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ IfaceExtName_t(:dict:) name; HiLen_t length; IfaceType_t(:dict:)[length] tys; }; Punion IPNameBranches_t(:Puint8 tag, Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pswitch(tag){ Pcase 0x00: OccName_t(:dict:) dupable; Pcase 0x01: OccName_t(:dict:) linear; } }; Pstruct IPName_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint8 tag; IPNameBranches_t(:tag, dict:) branches; }; Pstruct IParam_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ IPName_t (:dict:) name; IfaceType_t(:dict:) tys; }; Punion PredTyBranches_t(:Puint8 tag, Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pswitch (tag){ Pcase 0x00: ClassP_t(:dict:) classp; Pcase 0x01: IParam_t(:dict:) iparam; } }; Pstruct PredTy_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint8 tag; PredTyBranches_t(:tag, dict:) branches; }; Pstruct PairTy_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ IfaceType_t(:dict:) first; IfaceType_t(:dict:) second; }; Pstruct KnownTcTy_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ IfaceExtName_t(:dict:) tyCon; HiLen_t numArgs; IfaceType_t(:dict:)[numArgs] args; }; Penum Boxity_t Pfrom(Pb_uint8){ Boxed, Unboxed }; Ptypedef Psbh_uint32(:4:) Arity_t; Pstruct IfaceTupTc_t{ Boxity_t boxity; Arity_t arity; }; Punion IfaceTyConBranches_t(:Puint8 tag, Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pswitch(tag){ Pcase 0x01: Pvoid intTc; Pcase 0x02: Pvoid boolTc; Pcase 0x03: Pvoid charTc; Pcase 0x04: Pvoid listTc; Pcase 0x05: Pvoid arrayTc; Pcase 0x06: IfaceTupTc_t tupleTc; Pcase 0x07: IfaceExtName_t(:dict:) ifaceTc; } }; Pstruct IfaceTyCon_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint8 tag; IfaceTyConBranches_t(:tag, dict:) branches; }; Punion IfaceTyConOptBranches_t(:Puint8 tag, Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pswitch(tag){ Pcase 0x00: Pvoid noTyCon; Pcase 0x01: IfaceTyCon_t(:dict:) someTyCon; } }; Pstruct IfaceTyConOpt_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint8 tag; IfaceTyConOptBranches_t(:tag, dict:) branches; }; Pstruct TyConApp_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ IfaceTyCon_t(:dict:) tyCon; HiLen_t numArgs; IfaceType_t(:dict:)[numArgs] args; }; Punion IfaceTypeBranches_t(:Puint8 tag, Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pswitch (tag){ Pcase 0x00: ForAllTy_t(:dict:) forAllTy; Pcase 0x01: String_t(:dict:) tyVar; Pcase 0x02: AppTy_t(:dict:) appTy; Pcase 0x03: AppTy_t(:dict:) funTy; Pcase 0x05: PredTy_t(:dict:) predTy; Pcase 0x06: Pvoid intTy; Pcase 0x07: Pvoid charTy; Pcase 0x08: Pvoid boolTy; Pcase 0x09: IfaceType_t(:dict:) listTy; Pcase 0x0a: Pvoid unitTy; Pcase 0x0b: PairTy_t(:dict:) pairTy; Pcase 0x0c: KnownTcTy_t(:dict:) knownTcTy; Pcase 0x0d: TyConApp_t(:dict:) tyConTy; } }; Precur Pstruct IfaceType_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint8 tag; IfaceTypeBranches_t(:tag, dict:) branches; }; Precur Demand_t; Pstruct DemandList_t{ HiLen_t numDemands; Demand_t[numDemands] demands; }; Punion DemandsBranches_t(:Puint8 tag:){ Pswitch(tag){ Pcase 0x00: Demand_t poly; Pcase 0x01: DemandList_t prod; } }; Pstruct Demands_t{ Pb_uint8 tag; DemandsBranches_t(:tag:) branches; }; Punion DemandBranches_t(:Puint8 tag:){ Pswitch(tag){ Pcase 0x00: Pvoid top; Pcase 0x01: Pvoid abstraction; Pcase 0x02: Demand_t call; Pcase 0x03: Demands_t eval; Pcase 0x04: Demands_t defer; Pcase 0x05: Demand_t box; Pcase 0x06: Pvoid bot; } }; Precur Pstruct Demand_t{ Pb_uint8 tag; DemandBranches_t(:tag:) branches; }; Penum DmdResult_t Pfrom(Pb_uint8){ TopRes, RetCPR, BotRes }; Pstruct DmdType_t{ HiLen_t numDemands; Demand_t[numDemands] demands; DmdResult_t demandResult; }; Precur IfaceExpr_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:); Punion IfaceBndrBody_t(:Puint8 tag, Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pswitch(tag){ Pcase 0x00: IfaceIdBndr_t(:dict:) idBndr; Pcase 0x01: IfaceTvBndr_t(:dict:) tvBndr; } }; Pstruct IfaceBndr_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint8 tag; IfaceBndrBody_t(:tag, dict:) branches; }; Pstruct IfaceTuple_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Boxity_t boxity; HiLen_t length; IfaceExpr_t(:dict:)[length] tuple; }; Pstruct IfaceLam_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ IfaceBndr_t(:dict:) var; IfaceExpr_t(:dict:) body; }; Pstruct IfaceApp_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ IfaceExpr_t(:dict:) fun; IfaceExpr_t(:dict:) arg; }; Punion LiteralBranches_t(:Puint8 tag, Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pswitch(tag) { Pcase 0x00: Char_t machChar; Pcase 0x01: String_t(:dict:) machStr; Pcase 0x02: Pvoid machNullAddr; Pcase 0x03: Integer_t machInt; Pcase 0x04: Integer_t machInt64; Pcase 0x05: Integer_t machWord; Pcase 0x06: Integer_t machWord64; Pcase 0x07: Float_t machFloat; Pcase 0x08: Double_t machDouble; Pcase 0x09: Label_t machLabel; } }; Pstruct Literal_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint8 tag; LiteralBranches_t(:tag,dict:) branches; }; Punion IfaceConAltBranches_t(:Puint8 tag, Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pswitch(tag){ Pcase 0x00: Pvoid defaultAlt; Pcase 0x01: OccName_t(:dict:) dataAlt; Pcase 0x02: Boxity_t tupleAlt; Pcase 0x03: Literal_t(:dict:) litAlt; } }; Pstruct IfaceConAlt_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint8 tag; IfaceConAltBranches_t(:tag, dict:) branches; }; Pstruct IfaceAlt_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ IfaceConAlt_t(:dict:) info; HiLen_t numVars; String_t(:dict:)[numVars] vars; IfaceExpr_t(:dict:) body; }; Pstruct IfaceCase_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ IfaceExpr_t(:dict:) scrut; String_t (:dict:) bndr; IfaceType_t(:dict:) ty; HiLen_t numCases; IfaceAlt_t (:dict:)[numCases] cases; }; Pstruct IfaceNonRec_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ IfaceIdBndr_t(:dict:) bndr; IfaceExpr_t(:dict:) rhs; }; Pstruct IfaceRec_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ HiLen_t numBindings; IfaceNonRec_t(:dict:)[numBindings] bindings; }; Punion IfaceBindingBranches_t(:Puint8 tag, Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pswitch(tag){ Pcase 0x00: IfaceNonRec_t(:dict:) nonRec; Pcase 0x01: IfaceRec_t (:dict:) rec; } }; Pstruct IfaceBinding_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint8 tag; IfaceBindingBranches_t(:tag, dict:) branches; }; Pstruct IfaceLet_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ IfaceBinding_t(:dict:) binding; IfaceExpr_t(:dict:) body; }; Penum IsDupdCC_t Pfrom(Pb_uint8) {OriginalCC, DupdCC}; Penum IsCafCC_t Pfrom(Pb_uint8) {CafCC, NotCafCC}; Pstruct NormalCC_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ String_t(:dict:) name; Module_t(:dict:) module; IsDupdCC_t isDupdCC; IsCafCC_t isCafCC; }; Punion CostCentreBranches_t(:Puint8 tag, Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pswitch(tag){ Pcase 0x00: Pvoid noCostCentre; Pcase 0x01: NormalCC_t(:dict:) normalCostCentre; Pcase 0x02: Module_t(:dict:) allCafsCostCentre; } }; Pstruct CostCentre_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint8 tag; CostCentreBranches_t(:tag, dict:) branches; }; Punion IfaceNoteBranches_t(:Puint8 tag, Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pswitch(tag){ Pcase 0x00: CostCentre_t(:dict:) costCentre; Pcase 0x01: IfaceType_t(:dict:) coerce; Pcase 0x03: Pvoid inlineMe; Pcase 0x04: HString_t coreNote; } }; Pstruct IfaceNote_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint8 tag; IfaceNoteBranches_t(:tag, dict:) branches; }; Punion CCallTargetBranches_t(:Puint8 tag, Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pswitch(tag){ Pcase 0x00: String_t(:dict:) staticTarget; Pcase 0x01: Pvoid dynamicTarget; } }; Pstruct CCallTarget_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint8 tag; CCallTargetBranches_t(:tag,dict:) branches; }; Penum CCallConv_t Pfrom(Pb_uint8){CCallConv, StdCallConv}; Punion SafetyBranches_t(:Puint8 tag:){ Pswitch(tag){ Pcase 0x00: Bool_t playSafe; Pcase 0x01: Pvoid playRisky; } }; Pstruct Safety_t{ Pb_uint8 tag; SafetyBranches_t(:tag:) branches; }; Pstruct CCall_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ CCallTarget_t(:dict:) fun; CCallConv_t cconv; Safety_t safety; }; Penum DNKind_t Pfrom (Pb_uint8) { DNMethod, DNField, DNConstructor}; Pstruct DNCall_t{ Bool_t isStatic; DNKind_t kind; HString_t ass; HString_t nm; }; Punion ForeignCallBranches_t(:Puint8 tag, Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pswitch(tag){ Pcase 0x00: CCall_t(:dict:) cCall; Pcase 0x01: DNCall_t dnCall; } }; Pstruct ForeignCall_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint8 tag; ForeignCallBranches_t(:tag, dict:) branches; }; Pstruct IfaceFCall_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ ForeignCall_t(:dict:) foreignCall; IfaceType_t(:dict:) ty; }; Punion IfaceExprBranches_t(:Puint8 tag, Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pswitch(tag){ Pcase 0x00: String_t (:dict:) ifaceLcl; Pcase 0x01: IfaceType_t (:dict:) ifaceType; Pcase 0x02: IfaceTuple_t (:dict:) ifaceTuple; Pcase 0x03: IfaceLam_t (:dict:) ifaceLam; Pcase 0x04: IfaceApp_t (:dict:) ifaceApp; Pcase 0x05: IfaceCase_t (:dict:) ifaceCase; Pcase 0x06: IfaceLet_t (:dict:) ifaceLet; Pcase 0x07: IfaceNote_t (:dict:) ifaceNote; Pcase 0x08: Literal_t (:dict:) ifaceLit; Pcase 0x09: IfaceFCall_t (:dict:) ifaceFcall; Pcase 0x0a: IfaceExtName_t(:dict:) ifaceExt; } }; Precur Pstruct IfaceExpr_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint8 tag; IfaceExprBranches_t(:tag,dict:) branches; }; Punion ActivationBranches_t(:Puint8 tag:){ Pswitch (tag) { Pcase 0x00: Pvoid neverActive; Pcase 0x01: Pvoid alwaysActive; Pcase 0x02: CompilerPhase_t activeBefore; Pcase 0x03: CompilerPhase_t activeAfter; } }; Pstruct Activation_t{ Pb_uint8 tag; ActivationBranches_t(:tag:) branches; }; Pstruct Worker_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ IfaceExtName_t(:dict:) name; Arity_t arity; }; Punion IfaceInfoItemBranches_t(:Puint8 tag, Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pswitch(tag){ Pcase 0x00: Arity_t arityInfo; Pcase 0x01: DmdType_t strictnessInfo; Pcase 0x02: IfaceExpr_t(:dict:) unfoldInfo; Pcase 0x03: Activation_t inlineInfo; Pcase 0x04: Pvoid noCafRefsInfo; Pcase 0x05: Worker_t(:dict:) workerInfo; } }; Pstruct IfaceInfoItem_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint8 tag; IfaceInfoItemBranches_t(:tag, dict:) branches; }; Pstruct HasInfoBody_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ HiLen_t length; IfaceInfoItem_t(:dict:)[length] infoItems; }; Pstruct HasInfo_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint32 addressOfEnd; /- Address of end of hasInfo block HasInfoBody_t(:dict:) body; }; Punion IfaceIdInfoBranches_t(:Puint8 tag, Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pswitch (tag){ Pcase 0x00 : Pvoid noInfo; Pcase 0x01: HasInfo_t(:dict:) hasInfo; // Pcase 0x01 : lazyBlock_t hasInfo; can read lazily } }; Pstruct IfaceIdInfo_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint8 tag; IfaceIdInfoBranches_t(:tag, dict:) branches; }; Pstruct IfaceId_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ OccName_t (:dict:) name; IfaceType_t (:dict:) ty; IfaceIdInfo_t(:dict:) idInfo; }; Pstruct IfaceContext_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ HiLen_t numPreds; PredTy_t(:dict:)[numPreds] preds; }; Penum StrictnessMark_t Pfrom(Pb_uint8){MarkedStrict, MarkedUnboxed, NotMarkedStrict}; Pstruct VanillaCon_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ OccName_t(:dict:) conOcc; Bool_t isInfix; HiLen_t numArgTys; IfaceType_t(:dict:)[numArgTys] argTys; HiLen_t numStrMarks; StrictnessMark_t[numStrMarks] conStricts; HiLen_t numFieldLabels; OccName_t(:dict:)[numFieldLabels] fieldLabels; }; Pstruct GadtCon_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ OccName_t(:dict:) occ; HiLen_t numTyVars; IfaceTvBndr_t(:dict:)[numTyVars] tyVars; IfaceContext_t(:dict:) ctxt; HiLen_t numArgTys; IfaceType_t(:dict:)[numArgTys] argTys; HiLen_t numResTys; IfaceType_t(:dict:)[numArgTys] resTys; HiLen_t numStrMarks; StrictnessMark_t[numStrMarks] conStricts; }; Punion IfaceConDeclBranches_t(:Puint8 tag, Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pswitch(tag){ Pcase 0x00: VanillaCon_t(:dict:) vanillaCon; Pcase 0x01: GadtCon_t (:dict:) gadtCon; } }; Pstruct IfaceConDecl_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint8 tag; IfaceConDeclBranches_t(:tag, dict:) branches; }; Pstruct IfaceConDeclList_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ HiLen_t numDecls; IfaceConDecl_t(:dict:)[numDecls] decls; }; Punion IfaceConDeclsBranches_t(:Puint8 tag, Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pswitch(tag){ Pcase 0x00: Pvoid abstractTyCon; Pcase 0x01: IfaceConDeclList_t(:dict:) dataTyCon; Pcase 0x02: IfaceConDecl_t(:dict:) newTyCon; } }; Pstruct IfaceConDecls_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint8 tag; IfaceConDeclsBranches_t(:tag, dict:) branches; }; Penum RecFlag_t Pfrom(Pb_uint8){Recursive, NonRecursive}; Pstruct VarPair_t{ Bool_t occPos; Bool_t occNeg; }; Pstruct ArgVrcs_t { HiLen_t numEntries; VarPair_t[numEntries] entries; }; Pstruct IfaceData_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ OccName_t(:dict:) name; HiLen_t numTvBndrs; IfaceTvBndr_t(:dict:)[numTvBndrs] tyVars; IfaceContext_t(:dict:) ctxt; IfaceConDecls_t(:dict:) cons; RecFlag_t rec; ArgVrcs_t vrcs; Bool_t generic; }; Pstruct IfaceSyn_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ OccName_t(:dict:) tyConName; HiLen_t numTyVars; IfaceTvBndr_t(:dict:)[numTyVars] tyVars; ArgVrcs_t vrcs; IfaceType_t(:dict:) synRhs; }; Pstruct FunDep_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ HiLen_t numFst; String_t(:dict:)[numFst] fst; HiLen_t numSnd; String_t(:dict:)[numSnd] snd; }; Penum DefMeth_t Pfrom(Pb_uint8){NoDefMeth, DefMeth, GenDefMeth}; Pstruct ClassOp_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ OccName_t(:dict:) methodName; DefMeth_t defMeth; IfaceType_t(:dict:) methodTy; }; Pstruct IfaceClass_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ IfaceContext_t(:dict:) ctxt; OccName_t(:dict:) className; HiLen_t numTyVars; IfaceTvBndr_t(:dict:)[numTyVars] tyVars; HiLen_t numFunDeps; FunDep_t(:dict:)[numFunDeps] funDependencies; HiLen_t numClassOps; ClassOp_t(:dict:)[numClassOps] funDeps; RecFlag_t recFlag; ArgVrcs_t argVrcs; }; Punion IfaceDeclBranches_t(:Puint8 tag, Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pswitch(tag){ Pcase 0x00: IfaceId_t (:dict:) iFaceId; Pcase 0x01: Pvoid iFaceForeign; // This case does occur. Pcase 0x02: IfaceData_t (:dict:) iFaceData; Pcase 0x03: IfaceSyn_t (:dict:) iFaceSyn; Pcase 0x04: IfaceClass_t(:dict:) iFaceClass; } }; Pstruct IfaceDecl_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint8 tag; IfaceDeclBranches_t(:tag, dict:) branches; }; Pstruct Decl_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Version_t version; IfaceDecl_t(:dict:) iFaceDecl; }; Pstruct Decls_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ HiLen_t len; Decl_t(:dict:)[len] decls; }; Penum OverlapFlag_t Pfrom(Pb_uint8){NoOverlap, OverlapOk, Inconherent}; Pstruct Inst_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ IfaceExtName_t(:dict:) ifInstCls; HiLen_t numIfInstTys; IfaceTyConOpt_t(:dict:)[numIfInstTys] ifInstTys; OccName_t(:dict:) ifDFun; OverlapFlag_t ifOverlapFlag; OccNameOpt_t(:dict:) ifInstOrph; }; Pstruct Insts_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ HiLen_t len; Inst_t(:dict:)[len] inst; }; Pstruct Rule_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ String_t(:dict:) ruleName; Activation_t activation; HiLen_t numRuleBndrs; IfaceBndr_t(:dict:)[numRuleBndrs] ruleBndrs; IfaceExtName_t(:dict:) ruleHead; HiLen_t numRuleArgs; IfaceExpr_t(:dict:)[numRuleArgs] ruleArgs; IfaceExpr_t(:dict:) ruleRhs; OccNameOpt_t(:dict:) ruleOrph; }; Pstruct RulesBody_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ HiLen_t len; Rule_t(:dict:)[len] rules; }; Pstruct Rules_t(:Dictionary_t *dict:){ Pb_uint32 addressOfEnd; RulesBody_t(:dict:) body; }; int checkId(Puint32 id){ if (id == 0x01face64) { WORDSIZE = 8; return 1; }; return (id == 0x0001face); }; Pstruct Hi_t{ Pendian Pb_uint32 id : checkId(id); Pb_uint32 dictAddress; ForwardDict_t(:dictAddress - 8 :) fd; GHCversion_t GHCversion; Pb_uint8 way; Module_t (:&fd.dict:) module; Bool_t isBoot; Version_t modVersion; Bool_t hasOrphan; Dep_t(:&fd.dict:) dependencies; Usages_t(:&fd.dict:) usages; Exports_t(:&fd.dict:) exports; Version_t exportVersion; Fixities_t(:&fd.dict:) fixityInfo; Deprecs_t(:&fd.dict:) deprecs; Decls_t(:&fd.dict:) decls; Insts_t(:&fd.dict:) insts; Rules_t(:&fd.dict:) rules; Version_t ruleVersion; Dictionary_t dictionary; };