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Chapter 19  Formatting

Formatting functions provide support for pretty printing Pads values in delimiter separated forms suitable for loading into relational databases. For example, Figure 2.10 illustrates using generated formatting functions to convert the CLF data from Figure 2.1 into a pipe-delimited form.

19.1  Operations

ssize_t entry_t_fmt2buf_final (P_t *pads,Pbyte *buf,size_t buf_len,int *buf_full,
int *requestedOut,char const *delims,entry_t_m *m,
                               entry_t_pd *pd,entry_t *rep);

ssize_t entry_t_fmt2buf (P_t *pads,Pbyte *buf,size_t buf_len,
int *buf_full,
int *requestedOut,char const *delims,
                         entry_t_m *m,entry_t_pd *pd,entry_t *rep);
ssize_t entry_t_fmt2io (P_t *pads,Sfio_t *io,
int *requestedOut,
char const *delims,entry_t_m *m,entry_t_pd *pd,
                        entry_t *rep);
Figure 19.1: Formatting functions generated for the entry_t type.

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